Dr.ssa Shohreh Soltani
Dermatology e Aesthetic Medicine
Graduated in Medicine at the University of Milan in the academic year 1992/1993 with a vote of 110 cum laude. At the University of Turin, in the academic year 1997/1998, she specialized in Dermatology and Venereology and then the Master’s Level II, in DERMOSURGERY at the University of Siena.
- From 1999 to 2009 Medical Director at the 1st level of service ONCOLOGY DERMOSURGERY Ospedale San Lazzaro – AOU S. Giovanni Battista of Turin
- Achievement of numerous certificates of aesthetic medicine in Italy and abroad DERMOSURGERY
- Speaker at various National and International Congress of Dermatology and Cosmetic Medicine
- Member of several important scientific societies of the sector (as SIDEV, SIDC, ADOI, SIES …)
- three-year postgraduate diploma course in homeopathy, and homotoxicology integrated discipline.
Titles of some papers and publications
- Sentinel lymphnode dissection in stage I/II melanoma patients: surgical managemente and clinical follow-up study.(Giuseppe Macripò, Pietro Quaglino, Virginia Caliendo, Anna Maria Ronco, Shohreh Soltani, Elena Giacone, Stefano Pau, Maria Teresa Fierro , Maria Grazia Bernengo)Published in Melanoma Research, Volume 14, Number 2, April 2004.Presented at the Third Research Meeting on Melanoma, European Institute of Oncology, May 2003
- Epithelioma of the nasal pyramid: reconstructive issues (V.Caliendo, A.M. Ronco, S.Soltani, S.Pau, E. Giacone, G. Macripò) Presented at the XIX National Congress S.I.D.C.O. April 2004.
- Dermatological oncological surgery in day surgery (A.M.Ronco, V.Caliendo, G.Macripò, S.Soltani, E.Giacone, S.Pau, M.Illengo.) Presented at the XIX National Congress S.I.D.C.O. April 2004.
- A case of cutaneous localization of lung cancer (V.Caliendo, A. Ronco, S.Soltani, E.Giacone, S.Pau, C.Tomasini, V.Dongiovanni,G,Macripò) Presented at the XVIII Congress S.I.D.C.O. April 2003
- Cutaneous metastases from lung cancer (V.Caliendo, A.Ronco, S.Soltani, E.Giacone, S.Pau, G.Macinò) Presentato al XVIII congresso S.I.D.C.O. Aprile 2003
- Use of skin expanders in Dermosurgery (V.Caliendo, A.M.Ronco,S.Soltani, E.Giacone, S.Pau, G.Macripò)
- Sentinel LN biopsy in melanoma of the cranial cephalic district (G.Macripò, A.M.Ronco, V.Caliendo, S.Soltani, E.Giacone, S.Pau)